Thursday, June 9, 2011

You May Look, But Do you Remember? The Effectiveness of Flash Mob Marketing

Howdy Gorillas,

Last time, we talked about Flash Mob Marketing: A low-budget, high-impact marketing tactic used principally to create brand awareness. (To get a better understanding of what Flash Mob Marketing is, click here). Today we’ll delve a little further and analyze if this marketing tactic, which has become very popular among marketers in the last few years, is actually effective.

Is Flash Mob Marketing effective? Well that depends on what you think effective means. Here’s a secret, there’s no right or wrong answer. The effectiveness of this method depends solely on your objective. Your marketing goal. So, the sweet, short answer to the question – is flash mob marketing effective? is ‘Yes but it’s relative’.

The primary purpose and use of flash mob marketing is to create awareness such as introducing a new business, a new service or product or a new feature of an existing entity. The very nature of flash mobs makes it almost impossible (and very annoying for an audience) to use as a long-term tool. Businesses exploring the use of flash mobs should strive to have the following components in their efforts.
1. Make it CREATIVE. You will have about 60 seconds to capture your audience’s attention. No point wasting it on something trite.
2. Make it SURPRISING. The goal of flash mob marketing is to shock, awe and generate interest.
3. Make it BUZZ worthy. That is, it should be creative and surprising enough to encourage those exposed to it to spread the message. Integrate other marketing tools such as Social Media, Public Relations and more to further spread the BUZZ. This will hopefully result in making your flash mob VIRAL.

Finally, using flash mobs as a marketing tool demands that it is RELEVANT. Relevant to your business, your audience, and to the bottom line.

I know, it’s seems a little daunting. But when a business understands that flash mob marketing is not just for entertainment value; that it is a bonafide, strategic marketing move that serves a purpose, it can be a very strong and effective part of your marketing plan.

Until next time, think Buzz. What would make YOU want to talk about something?



  1. this is great; giving business owners ideas to create buzz with out creating a big dent in their pocketbooks. what's the next step after flashmobs become played out and common? any other good moves out there?

  2. Hey Anonymous,
    That's the beauty of guerrilla marketing - there's always something new, or something reinvented.
    Stealth Marketing is something I will be talking about in the next post. It's quite controversial but when done right and respectfully (to the audience) it could be one of the most powerful tools out there.
    Thanks for reading!


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