Monday, October 25, 2010

Survival of the Versatile: Do small businesses have an advantage in today's market

So Keyboard Gorilla finally went to see the movie 'Social Network' this weekend-definitely recommended - and naturally, I left with the obvious mixed emotions of doom (how can anyone compete with the intimidating genius of Mark Zuckerberg) and glee at the possibilities for a small, driven team (or one-person operation). There's a line in there about advertising and the cool factor that got me thinking, or rather, rethinking of the age old question of acquiring and retaining consumers.

It's a crazy market place we live in folks. Consumers/clients/friends are smarter and less receptive of marketing messages especially if they feel insulted, manipulated, or just plain old bored. (Your consumer knows there are a million and one alternatives to your product or service, if you can't provide something relevant and new, at least entertain the poor souls)

So the question remains - Can marketing efforts be respectful of the/ to the target market and still be effective?

We think so.

In a completely self-serving fashion, keyboard gorilla is interested in learning your standpoint on the current market atmosphere:
-In this highly dynamic market place, do small businesses have a leg up on larger, less flexible businesses?
-Are small businesses embracing the opportunities that new media and technologies are providing?
-Or is emulating the marketing tactics of business giants a safer bet?

What do you think?

P.s. Is it just me or is writing about a movie about facebook on facebook a little strange? Hmm, what's the word? Brilliant!

Some older marketing theories define this as reinforcing a brand. Except, it's not the company reinforcing the brand, it's a completely arbitrary party - me. Now there's an idea.

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