Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Complacency and Quitting: The Small Business Lull

Howdy Gorilla Friends,

Apart from breaking my website homepage, pissing off a few people, and accidentally flashing my Zumba buddies when my workout pants ripped, it's been a pretty low-key week. But I have to say, I've missed you guys - Readers, Browsers and Opt-outers alike.

The big buzz this week has been the Oscars. The movies that won were actually good movies , the hosts were young and likable, but the show was an absolute bore. It seems to me that the movie industry is getting progressively lazier. Thank goodness for those one or two great flicks a year but the industry including the academy awards just gets worse. When compared to the music industry, which due to the ever-growing piracy issues and shareware scare, had to get off their behinds and do some work, the movie industry seems like that senile grandma who talks about nothing else but her cats. If there's there anyone out there with an idea that could light a match under the movie industry's ***, get them to shed some sweat and tears and show a little passion, please come forward. Unfortunately, this blog isn't about the ads that aired during the show because I fell asleep.

Complacency is a business' worst enemy. Maybe things went according to plan and got successful and you got comfortable. Or maybe things didn't work out (at least at first) and you got frustrated and gave up. For either reason, it's called quitting. Seth Godin (for whom I am a shameless groupie) talks about quitting in his book 'The Dip'. There's a right time to quit and there's the right time to stick.

Small Business owners experience this dip frequently. It takes a lot of gumption and/or desperation to launch that big idea that's been brewing for years. But, there's always a lull that makes the idea of quitting and getting right back into that 9 to 5 nightmare, appealing. Don't do it - not just yet.

When a lull happens, a little marketing makeover helps. Get down and dirty, learn your market, learn new tricks, do some reading. Get risky and partner up with a company that understands the danger of complacency. A company that can help you remember the excitement and possibilities. A lot of people are doing a lot of cool things. Be one of them.

Until later - Stay Alive - or you'll end up boring your customers out the door.


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